Contact us

Don't hesitate to ask us for details. Don't hold back any questions!

Tell us your question, as detailed as possible, we will answer you as soon as possible. Thank you very much for your interest.

If you would like more information about a project or program, select it from the list, and we will send you more detailed and personalized information. Keep in mind that the more details you provide us, the more we will be able to personalize the information.

If you want to be a volunteer of "Pàdel amb tu", attach your CV (PDF format, 1Mb at maximum). If you want to collaborate as a member, tell us a little about yourself in the Message box, we will contact you.


Get in Touch

In the month of April 2013 the project was born and at the end of April 2014 the creation of the Association of Adapted Paddle Sports "Padel amb tu" and multilateral sport of Tarragona was achieved.

Aimed at the group of people with disabilities, it aims to bring the sport of paddle tennis as an integrating and social engine. With a marked "sports integrator" axis, it aims to establish a very clear seal to promote sports integration in people with this need.

Our Office

Business hours

  • By appointment, from the contact form or by telephone.