Project Ajuda'T2
Project Ajuda'T2
What is the project "Ajuda'T2":
The Ajuda'T2 project joins the purpose of the AJUDAT project and wants to create a new methodological proposal that serves for the integral training of people with diverse abilities.
Ajuda'T2 will combine the content of our old project and with the new one, therefore, the content of our project is to combine elements of reflection and lines of application, thus avoiding presenting established and static protocols that are more typical of manuals, the experience and interaction of people will be key to a qualitative improvement.
Key competencies "Ajuda'T2":
Communication skills: these will be those related to the explanation of the project in companies, associations, institutes, etc.
Technical competencies: these will be all those that refer to specific theoretical and technical knowledge for the development of a specific work activity and its implementation.
Competències de base ; desenvoluparem totes aquelles que estan relacionades amb el mercat laboral, gestió de recursos necessaris per tindre ocupació.
Transversal competencies: in this we will try to train the person in the set of abilities, skills and attitudes necessary to be able to respond to work situations of complexity appropriate to their capacity and the place they occupy.
Innovative skills: to deepen the creativity of people with diverse abilities and link their ideas to the active proposals of today's world.
It is a dynamic project in which the teaching-learning activities always have an active approach. The competences always operate in an indivisible way, they are developed in the thread of professional, formative and also extra-professional learning, the nexus of union will be important to achieve the objectives and their STABILITY.
The aim is to create one that does not end during the project, but that the person himself with his own autonomy makes USE of them throughout his life and especially in different areas.